Home » Nurturing the Spirit: Practical Steps on How to Feel Closer to God

Amid our daily routines, there’s a universal yearning to feel a closer connection to something beyond ourselves, to experience the divine in the ordinary moments of life. This blog invites you on a journey of practical steps—simple and humanized—to nurture your spirit and forge a deeper bond with God. These down-to-earth suggestions are not about grand gestures but about weaving the sacred into the fabric of your everyday existence.

1. Create Your Sacred Nook:

Picture a cozy corner, a sacred nook where you can retreat for peace. It doesn’t need to be extravagant—a comfortable chair, a candle, or symbols that resonate with you. This simple space becomes a haven for prayer, reflection, and a quiet rendezvous with the divine.

2. Gratitude, the Heart’s Language:

Pause each day to express gratitude. It’s not about grand gestures; it’s the little things—the warmth of sunlight, a shared smile, or the aroma of morning coffee. Cultivating gratitude opens your heart to the presence of God in everyday moments.

3. Converse Through Prayer and Meditation:

Engage in conversation with the divine through prayer and meditation. No need for eloquence; speak from your heart. In these moments, let go of the noise and listen for whispers of guidance. It’s a simple yet profound dialogue that connects you to something beyond yourself.

how to feel closer to God

Central to this endeavor is the practice of prayer – a heartfelt communication with God that transcends words and fosters a sense of intimacy.

4. Let the Holy Bible Speak to You:

Let the Holy Bible speak to you, and you’ll find a timeless source of wisdom, guidance, and spiritual nourishment within its sacred pages. This ancient text, revered by millions worldwide, is a profound and enduring source of inspiration. The Holy Bible imparts invaluable lessons on faith, love, compassion, and the human journey through its verses, parables, and teachings. It speaks to the depths of the soul, offering solace in times of need and a roadmap for navigating the complexities of life.

The Bible’s transformative power lies in its religious significance and its ability to resonate with the universal aspects of the human experience. As you delve into its verses with an open heart, let the Holy Bible become a personal companion, guiding you on a spiritual journey that transcends time and culture.

how to feel closer to God

Reading the Bible is a transformative and spiritually enriching practice for millions around the world.

5. Join the Tapestry of a Spiritual Community:

Find connection in a spiritual community—a tapestry of diverse individuals seeking a shared purpose. Attend services, join discussions, or participate in community events. The collective energy of kindred spirits amplifies the sense of belonging and shared spiritual journey.

6. Kindness as a Spiritual Language:

Practice kindness. It’s not a grand gesture but a simple act—a helping hand, a thoughtful gesture, or a comforting word. Acts of kindness embody spiritual principles, creating an atmosphere of divine love in your interactions with others.

7. Nature, the Silent Cathedral:

Nature becomes your silent cathedral. Take moments to appreciate the beauty around you—the rustle of leaves, the play of sunlight. Nature is a canvas that whispers the divine presence, offering moments of serenity and connection.

8. Mindfulness in the Now:

Embrace mindfulness, the art of being present. It’s not about complicated techniques but about savoring the present moment. Whether eating, walking, or doing daily tasks, infuse each moment with awareness, inviting the divine into the simplicity of your life.

9. Guidance from Wise Souls:

Seek guidance from wise souls—a spiritual leader, mentor, or counselor. It’s not about having all the answers but about having a companion on your spiritual journey. Someone to share insights, answer questions, and provide support.

10. Reflections in Your Journal:

Reflect and journal your spiritual journey. It’s not about perfection but about honesty. Write down your thoughts, prayers, and moments of revelation. This process becomes a personal dialogue, a way to track your growth, and a testament to the unfolding chapters of your connection with God.


Feeling closer to God is an intimate, everyday affair. These simple, humanized steps are not a rigid roadmap but an invitation to weave the sacred into the tapestry of your life. As you embrace these practices, remember that your journey is unique. It’s about finding Jesus in the ordinary, fostering a connection that aligns with your heart, and embracing the divine in the simplicity of your everyday existence.

Embark on the path of rediscovering your faith by obtaining a copy of Leroy Jacobs and Stephen Salajko’s book “Something New.” Ensure you secure your copy today.


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